Из tvtropes. Забавно, но приблизительно так всё и есть)
Love Dodecahedron: *Deep breath*:
Utena idolizes Dios and loves Anthy but gets tempted by Touga and sleeps with Akio, who is engaged to Kanae and sleeping with Kanae's mother.
Anthy mourns Dios, has love/hate feelings towards Utena, sleeps with Akio, and is pursued by Saionji and Miki.
Saionji, who may-or-may-not return Wakaba's feelings, also may-or-may-not love Touga.
Touga may-or-may-not love Saionji back, but seduces hordes of schoolgirls anyways, attracts both Keiko and Nanami and appears to fall in love with Utena. Also, Touga sleeps with Akio, and Miki in the manga.
Wakaba loves Saionji and maybe Tatsuya, who loves her, and she may-or-may-not love Utena in more than a platonic way.
Tsuwabuki loves Nanami, but Nanami has feelings for Touga, who has no problem with kissing her.
Mari is jealous of the attention that Tsuwabuki pays to Nanami and Tsuwabuki may-or-may-not like Mari back. Interestingly, Nanami seems to be jealous of Tsuwabuki's friendship with Mari, in spite of being in love with Touga.
Kozue fools around with lots of boys, sleeps with Touga (and quite likely Akio as well - at the very least, she goes on a date with him and rides in his car) and kisses Anthy at one point, but actually loves Miki; meanwhile, Miki is implied to be molested by his piano teacher.
Mikage once loved Tokiko, who was seduced by Akio, and now loves Mamiya, who is Anthy in disguise (kind of).
Meanwhile, Juri, Shiori, and Ruka have their own love triangle all to themselves, but Juri also has lots of subtext with Utena, and Juri may-or-may-not love Miki in the movie, and Akio manipulates the emotions of all of the above to keep them in the Duels.
In summary: Akio sleeps with everyone.
The true love (or lack thereof) and ambition of each character is usually shown very clearly.
О любви в "Утэне"
| вторник, 25 июня 2013