Прочла на tvtrores (здесь) вот такую фразу:
"Deconstruction: The subtitle of this movie could just have easily been The Deconstruction Of Kirk. Most of the core traits associated with Kirk and their probable consequences in Real Life are pulled apart and examined. The adventurer who faces a problem on a weekly basis, solves it and promptly forgets it ever happened is suddenly brought face to face with one of those problems from a decade and a half before, and discovers the consequences of his thoughtlessness can be measured by the body count. The suave lady-killer with a girl in every port discovers that one of his conquests (and it's implied that it's the only one he ever truly loved) has resulted in a son he's never known and who hates him. His tendency to play fast and loose with the rules leads to his ship being crippled and a score of dead cadets, all of which could and should have been avoided by simply raising the shields, and his trait of finding novel solutions to intractable problems ends the life of his best friend and trusted right hand".
Подумала, что в действительности в фильмах Кирк расплачивается и за то, что он "Кирк" (о чём сказано выше), и за то, что он не хочет быть "Кирком" и пытается перестать капитанить. Кирк перестаёт капитанить и вообще быть собой - Кирку плохо, галактике тоже. Кирк становится самим собой - и сталкивается с последствиями. И когда наконец Кирк находит себя снова... заканчивается Холодная война, и он оказывается не у дел. Жаль его как-то