Tardis date core о каноне "Доктора Кто", (для меня как новичка) очень интересное (подчёркивания не мои):
"If you're new to Doctor Who you may be unaware the Doctor Who universe or DWU - is much more amorphous than the typical fictional universe. The primary copyright holders to the DWU, the British Broadcasting Corporation, have deliberately refused to say which stories "count" and which don't. In general they've been wholly silent on defining a canon of any kind.
In fact, the DWU isn't even wholly owned by one entity. For over 35 years, Star Wars was ultimately owned by one person, George Lucas. Star Trek is owned by CBS. But, due to oddities in British television practices, the DWU is primarily owned by the BBC, but individual elements within the DWU, like the Daleks, the Autons and even individual characters like Nyssa and the Brigadier, may be owned by individual authors.
This highly complex legal situation makes it impossible for the BBC to define a canon, because they simply don't have the right to wholly define it. Daleks can appear without any other DWU elements. John Benton has been in a story without the Doctor. And K9 can get his own television series in Australia regardless of the BBC's wishes.
In other words, a story set in the Star Wars universe had to receive the blessing of George Lucas. A story set in the DWU doesn't necessarily require the assent of the BBC. Since canons are definitionally created by a single authority, the DWU cannot ever have a canon".