Из tvtropes, о том, как раннего Доктора можно принять за человека:
- In "The Edge of Destruction", Ian checks the First Doctor's heartbeat and only notices one heart. Adding onto this, it's not hard to watch the first two Doctors' runs and get the impression that the Doctor is not an alien being, but is in fact, a human from the future. Since the first episode, it is established that he and Susan are from another world in another time, but as we know from several episodes throughout the series, humans in the show's universe eventually spread out and become a universal power, so the Doctor and Susan could have simply come from a colony world. In addition to the First Doctor's aforementioned one heart, he also refers to himself and his companions as "we humans" in "The Sensorites", and even his ability to regenerate is at first said to be a function of the TARDIS. (Writers of original novels have since tried to rationalize this continuity issue by suggesting that Time Lords don't grow their second heart until their first regeneration.)
- The Second Doctor story, "The Evil of the Daleks", has the Daleks wanting to test Jamie because he is special among humans as a result of having travelled in time, but when the Doctor asks why the Daleks don't just test him, they inform him that he has travelled in time too much and is consequently "more than human," which seems to imply that the Doctor was somehow changed or mutated by his excessive exposure to time (an idea that would resurface much later on).
- And while we do meet another renegade Time Lord (who, notably, is fixated on altering Earth's history, and is not distinguished as being an alien) during the First Doctor's run, it isn't until the Second Doctor's very last story that the Doctor is established as being a member of an alien race known as the Time Lords. Combine all of this with the fandom-despised assertion that the Doctor is half-human from the 1996 TV movie, and one could actually make a compelling case to say that there is more humanity to the Doctor than most suspect.
Насчёт Монаха "fixated on altering Earth's history", кстати, очень верно отмечено. Его-то каким ветром в фанклуб людей занесло?
P.S. Если кому-то вдруг интересно, почему я теперь часто использую другие смайлы в постах и не использую кнопку "Off-topic": это всё из-за того, что после "последней осени" я копирую записи на дримвиз. Хороший вопрос, почему я не использовала не-дайриевые смайлы раньше...