Опять Tvtropes)
Power Trio: Bamse is the ego, Skalman is the superego and Lille Skutt is the id.

Bamse's triplets form a somewhat different Power Trio, with Teddy as the superego, Brum as the ego, and Nalle-Maja as the id.
Вот блин, такая аналогия мне в голову не приходила :dve:

Посмотрела насчёт ЗВ
In the prequel trilogy:

Id: Anakin
Ego: Padme
Superego: Obi-Wan
Also in the prequel trilogy the power trio concept of the Jedi Order are represented by Anakin (id), Obi-Wan (ego) and Yoda (superego). The Jedi are destroyed by the id and the remaining two have to bring it back in the original trilogy. At the end Return of the Jedi when the Jedi actually return and balance is restored Luke sees the ghosts of all three.

Всякие видала интерпретации пресловутого "восстановления равновесия Силы", но такую... :wow: И ведь в точку всё!

Leia: Coolheaded, pragmatic, devoted to duty (superego)
Luke: Balances the two (ego)
Han: Impatient, hotheaded, operates on instinct (id)

Предсказуемо, ага. Хотя, ИМХО, все они несколько... "Идовые".

А вот и злодеи
Grand Moff Tarkin: Cold, calculating tactician who feels no remorse destroying planets (superego)
Darth Vader: Balances the two (ego)
Emperor Palpatine: Power-hungry, maniacal, obsessive tyrant who ultimately lets his confidence get the better of him (id)

Carth: Id
The Player: Ego
Bastila: Superego

А вот почему Карт - Ид, я понять не могу :nope:

@темы: Бамси, ссылка, Star Wars