Из tvtropes:
Lain in her initial appearances within Serial Experiments Lain, she shows impairment in the use of nonverbal behaviors, has developed few peer relationships and the ties with two of her friends are very weak, does not show enthusiasm to seek enjoyment or socialization with others, and lacks social or emotional reciprocity. She also rarely speaks, and cannot converse well or start/hold a prolonged conversation. Finally, she becomes unusually enthralled by computer/technological objects and their construction as the series goes on. Never mind the loss of sense of time and space, vivid hallucinations(?), moments of amnesia, hearing voices... All possibly justified from being an Artificial Human. Or the Anthropomorphic Personification of the Internet. Or something.
Cлов нет вообще. У Лэйн МНОЖЕСТВЕННАЯ ЛИЧНОСТЬ. Самое время вспомнить о её социальных навыках (кстати, с учётом обстоятельств её жизни и того, что мир вокруг конкретно болен - охренительных)!
Lain in her initial appearances within Serial Experiments Lain, she shows impairment in the use of nonverbal behaviors, has developed few peer relationships and the ties with two of her friends are very weak, does not show enthusiasm to seek enjoyment or socialization with others, and lacks social or emotional reciprocity. She also rarely speaks, and cannot converse well or start/hold a prolonged conversation. Finally, she becomes unusually enthralled by computer/technological objects and their construction as the series goes on. Never mind the loss of sense of time and space, vivid hallucinations(?), moments of amnesia, hearing voices... All possibly justified from being an Artificial Human. Or the Anthropomorphic Personification of the Internet. Or something.
Cлов нет вообще. У Лэйн МНОЖЕСТВЕННАЯ ЛИЧНОСТЬ. Самое время вспомнить о её социальных навыках (кстати, с учётом обстоятельств её жизни и того, что мир вокруг конкретно болен - охренительных)!