Всё же разложила серии TOS и TAS в порядке звёздных дат (сами даты приводить не буду - муторно, да и перевести их в года не представляется возможным). Смысла с этом, конечно, никакого - звёздные даты тогда ставили от балды - но всё же. В скобках поставила год, который проставлен в мемори альфе при переводе - тоже не представляю, КАК фанаты это всё высчитывали, но пусть будет - станет понятно, что порядок звёздных дат ни о чём особо не говорит. Хотя...
1.08 TAS - The Magicks of Megas-Tu (2269)
1.03 - Where No Man Has Gone Before (2265)
1.06 - Mudd's Women (2266)
1.10 - The Corbomite Maneuver (2266)
1.01 - The Man Trap (2266)
1.02 - Charlie X (2266)
1.05 - The Enemy Within (2266)
1.04 - The Naked Time (2266)
1.14 - Balance of Terror (2266)
1.17 - The Squire of Gothos (2267)
1.07 - What Are Little Girls Made Of (2266)
1.08 - Miri (2266)
1.09 - Dagger of the Mind (2266)
1.13 - The Conscience of the King (2266)
1.16 - The Galileo Seven (2267)
1.20 - Court Martial (2267)
1.11 - The Menagerie, Part I (2267)
1.12 - The Menagerie, Part II (2267)
2.07 - Catspaw (2267)
1.15 - Shore Leave (2267)
1.18 - Arena (2267)
1.27 - The Alternative Factor (2267)
1.19 - Tomorrow is Yesterday (2267)
1.22 - Space Seed (2267)
1.21 - The Return of the Archons (2267)
2.01 TAS - The Practical Joker (2270)
1.23 - A Taste of Armageddon (2267)
1.25 - The Devil in the Dark (2267)
1.26 - Errand of Mercy (2267)
2.16 - The Gamesters of Triskelion (2268)
2.09 - Metamorphosis (2267)
1.29 - Operation - Annihilate! (2267)
2.01 - Amok Time (2267)
1.24 - This Side of Paradise (2267)
2.02 - Who Mourns for Adonais? (2267)
2.12 - The Deadly Years (2267)
2.11 - Friday's Child (2267)
2.03 - The Changeling (2267)
2.14 - Wolf in the Fold (2267)
2.13 - Obsession (2268)
2.05 - The Apple (2267)
2.10 - Journey to Babel (2268)
2.25 - Bread and Circuses (2268)
1.14 TAS - The Slaver Weapon (2269)
2.06 - The Doomsday Machine (2267)
2.19 - A Private Little War (2268)
2.18 - The Immunity Syndrome (2268)
3.13 - Elaan of Troyius (2268)
3.06 - Spectre of the Gun (2268)
2.08 - I, Mudd (2268)
2.15 - The Trouble with Tribbles (2268)
2.22 - By Any Other Name (2268)
2.24 - The Ultimate Computer (2268)
2.20 - Return to Tomorrow (2268)
3.03 - The Paradise Syndrome (2268)
1.10 TAS - Mudd's Passion (2269)
3.02 - The Enterprise Incident (2268)
3.04 - And the Children Shall Lead (2268)
3.12 - The Empath (2268)
1.06 TAS - The Survivor (2269)
1.01 TAS - Beyond the Farthest Star (2269)
1.12 TAS - The Time Trap (2269)
2.04 TAS - Albatross (2270)
1.03 TAS - One of Our Planets Is Missing (2269)
1.02 TAS - Yesteryear (2269)
1.05 TAS - More Tribbles, More Troubles (2269)
3.16 - The Mark of Gideon (2268)
3.01 - Spock's Brain (2268)
3.08 - For the World is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky (2268)
1.04 TAS - The Lorelei Signal (2269)
1.13 TAS - The Ambergris Element (2269)
1.15 TAS - The Eye of the Beholder (2269)
1.07 TAS - The Infinite Vulcan (2269)
1.11 TAS - The Terratin Incident (2269)
1.09 TAS - Once Upon a Planet (2269)
3.05 - Is There in Truth No Beauty? (2268)
1.16 TAS - The Jihad (2269)
3.09 - The Tholian Web (2268)
3.11 - Wink of an Eye (2268)
3.14 - Whom Gods Destroy (2268)
3.18 - The Lights of Zetar (2269)
3.15 - Let That Be Your Last Battlefield (2268)
3.10 - Plato's Stepchildren (2268)
3.21 - The Cloud Minders (2269)
3.20 - The Way to Eden (2269)
3.19 - Requiem for Methuselah (2269)
3.22 - The Savage Curtain (2269)
3.24 - Turnabout Intruder (2269)
3.23 - All Our Yesterdays (2269)
2.05 TAS - How Sharper Than a Serpent's Tooth (2270)
2.01 TAS - The Pirates of Orion (2270)
2.06 TAS - The Counter-Clock Incident (2270)
2.02 TAS - Bem (2270)
неизвестны звёздные даты:
1.28 - The City on the Edge of Forever (2267)
2.04 - Mirror, Mirror (2267)
2.17 - A Piece of the Action (2268)
2.21 - Patterns of Force (2268)
2.23 - The Omega Glory (2268)
2.26 - Assignment: Earth (2268)
3.07 - Day of the Dove (2268)
3.17 - That Which Survives (2268)
...хотя, например, поставить "The Magicks of Megas-Tu" в начало пятилетней миссии было бы очень в духе канона - каждый сериал начинается с того, что людей судят почти-всемогущие альены, почему бы не поддержать традицию? И поставить "Amok Time" перед "This Side of Paradise" было бы правильно - тогда понятно, почему Спок, объясняя влюблённой в него девушке, что должен улететь, ни разу не вспомнил о жене; да и в словах Кирка о Споке "в разъярённом состоянии он вполне способен на убийство" чувствуется личный опыт) В общем, при желании везде можно найти смысл)
1.08 TAS - The Magicks of Megas-Tu (2269)
1.03 - Where No Man Has Gone Before (2265)
1.06 - Mudd's Women (2266)
1.10 - The Corbomite Maneuver (2266)
1.01 - The Man Trap (2266)
1.02 - Charlie X (2266)
1.05 - The Enemy Within (2266)
1.04 - The Naked Time (2266)
1.14 - Balance of Terror (2266)
1.17 - The Squire of Gothos (2267)
1.07 - What Are Little Girls Made Of (2266)
1.08 - Miri (2266)
1.09 - Dagger of the Mind (2266)
1.13 - The Conscience of the King (2266)
1.16 - The Galileo Seven (2267)
1.20 - Court Martial (2267)
1.11 - The Menagerie, Part I (2267)
1.12 - The Menagerie, Part II (2267)
2.07 - Catspaw (2267)
1.15 - Shore Leave (2267)
1.18 - Arena (2267)
1.27 - The Alternative Factor (2267)
1.19 - Tomorrow is Yesterday (2267)
1.22 - Space Seed (2267)
1.21 - The Return of the Archons (2267)
2.01 TAS - The Practical Joker (2270)
1.23 - A Taste of Armageddon (2267)
1.25 - The Devil in the Dark (2267)
1.26 - Errand of Mercy (2267)
2.16 - The Gamesters of Triskelion (2268)
2.09 - Metamorphosis (2267)
1.29 - Operation - Annihilate! (2267)
2.01 - Amok Time (2267)
1.24 - This Side of Paradise (2267)
2.02 - Who Mourns for Adonais? (2267)
2.12 - The Deadly Years (2267)
2.11 - Friday's Child (2267)
2.03 - The Changeling (2267)
2.14 - Wolf in the Fold (2267)
2.13 - Obsession (2268)
2.05 - The Apple (2267)
2.10 - Journey to Babel (2268)
2.25 - Bread and Circuses (2268)
1.14 TAS - The Slaver Weapon (2269)
2.06 - The Doomsday Machine (2267)
2.19 - A Private Little War (2268)
2.18 - The Immunity Syndrome (2268)
3.13 - Elaan of Troyius (2268)
3.06 - Spectre of the Gun (2268)
2.08 - I, Mudd (2268)
2.15 - The Trouble with Tribbles (2268)
2.22 - By Any Other Name (2268)
2.24 - The Ultimate Computer (2268)
2.20 - Return to Tomorrow (2268)
3.03 - The Paradise Syndrome (2268)
1.10 TAS - Mudd's Passion (2269)
3.02 - The Enterprise Incident (2268)
3.04 - And the Children Shall Lead (2268)
3.12 - The Empath (2268)
1.06 TAS - The Survivor (2269)
1.01 TAS - Beyond the Farthest Star (2269)
1.12 TAS - The Time Trap (2269)
2.04 TAS - Albatross (2270)
1.03 TAS - One of Our Planets Is Missing (2269)
1.02 TAS - Yesteryear (2269)
1.05 TAS - More Tribbles, More Troubles (2269)
3.16 - The Mark of Gideon (2268)
3.01 - Spock's Brain (2268)
3.08 - For the World is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky (2268)
1.04 TAS - The Lorelei Signal (2269)
1.13 TAS - The Ambergris Element (2269)
1.15 TAS - The Eye of the Beholder (2269)
1.07 TAS - The Infinite Vulcan (2269)
1.11 TAS - The Terratin Incident (2269)
1.09 TAS - Once Upon a Planet (2269)
3.05 - Is There in Truth No Beauty? (2268)
1.16 TAS - The Jihad (2269)
3.09 - The Tholian Web (2268)
3.11 - Wink of an Eye (2268)
3.14 - Whom Gods Destroy (2268)
3.18 - The Lights of Zetar (2269)
3.15 - Let That Be Your Last Battlefield (2268)
3.10 - Plato's Stepchildren (2268)
3.21 - The Cloud Minders (2269)
3.20 - The Way to Eden (2269)
3.19 - Requiem for Methuselah (2269)
3.22 - The Savage Curtain (2269)
3.24 - Turnabout Intruder (2269)
3.23 - All Our Yesterdays (2269)
2.05 TAS - How Sharper Than a Serpent's Tooth (2270)
2.01 TAS - The Pirates of Orion (2270)
2.06 TAS - The Counter-Clock Incident (2270)
2.02 TAS - Bem (2270)
неизвестны звёздные даты:
1.28 - The City on the Edge of Forever (2267)
2.04 - Mirror, Mirror (2267)
2.17 - A Piece of the Action (2268)
2.21 - Patterns of Force (2268)
2.23 - The Omega Glory (2268)
2.26 - Assignment: Earth (2268)
3.07 - Day of the Dove (2268)
3.17 - That Which Survives (2268)
...хотя, например, поставить "The Magicks of Megas-Tu" в начало пятилетней миссии было бы очень в духе канона - каждый сериал начинается с того, что людей судят почти-всемогущие альены, почему бы не поддержать традицию? И поставить "Amok Time" перед "This Side of Paradise" было бы правильно - тогда понятно, почему Спок, объясняя влюблённой в него девушке, что должен улететь, ни разу не вспомнил о жене; да и в словах Кирка о Споке "в разъярённом состоянии он вполне способен на убийство" чувствуется личный опыт) В общем, при желании везде можно найти смысл)
1.03 - Where No Man Has Gone Before (2265)
1.06 - Mudd's Women (2266)
1.10 - The Corbomite Maneuver (2266)
1.01 - The Man Trap (2266)
1.02 - Charlie X (2266)
1.05 - The Enemy Within (2266)
1.04 - The Naked Time (2266)
1.14 - Balance of Terror (2266)
1.07 - What Are Little Girls Made Of (2266)
1.08 - Miri (2266)
1.09 - Dagger of the Mind (2266)
1.13 - The Conscience of the King (2266)
1.17 - The Squire of Gothos (2267)
1.16 - The Galileo Seven (2267)
1.20 - Court Martial (2267)
1.11 - The Menagerie, Part I (2267)
1.12 - The Menagerie, Part II (2267)
2.07 - Catspaw (2267)
1.15 - Shore Leave (2267)
1.18 - Arena (2267)
1.27 - The Alternative Factor (2267)
1.19 - Tomorrow is Yesterday (2267)
1.22 - Space Seed (2267)
1.21 - The Return of the Archons (2267)
1.23 - A Taste of Armageddon (2267)
1.25 - The Devil in the Dark (2267)
1.26 - Errand of Mercy (2267)
2.09 - Metamorphosis (2267)
1.29 - Operation - Annihilate! (2267)
2.01 - Amok Time (2267)
1.24 - This Side of Paradise (2267)
2.02 - Who Mourns for Adonais? (2267)
2.12 - The Deadly Years (2267)
2.11 - Friday's Child (2267)
2.03 - The Changeling (2267)
2.14 - Wolf in the Fold (2267)
2.05 - The Apple (2267)
2.06 - The Doomsday Machine (2267)
2.16 - The Gamesters of Triskelion (2268)
2.13 - Obsession (2268)
2.10 - Journey to Babel (2268)
2.25 - Bread and Circuses (2268)
2.19 - A Private Little War (2268)
2.18 - The Immunity Syndrome (2268)
3.13 - Elaan of Troyius (2268)
3.06 - Spectre of the Gun (2268)
2.08 - I, Mudd (2268)
2.15 - The Trouble with Tribbles (2268)
2.22 - By Any Other Name (2268)
2.24 - The Ultimate Computer (2268)
2.20 - Return to Tomorrow (2268)
3.03 - The Paradise Syndrome (2268)
3.02 - The Enterprise Incident (2268)
3.04 - And the Children Shall Lead (2268)
3.12 - The Empath (2268)
3.16 - The Mark of Gideon (2268)
3.01 - Spock's Brain (2268)
3.08 - For the World is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky (2268)
3.05 - Is There in Truth No Beauty? (2268)
3.09 - The Tholian Web (2268)
3.11 - Wink of an Eye (2268)
3.14 - Whom Gods Destroy (2268)
3.15 - Let That Be Your Last Battlefield (2268)
3.10 - Plato's Stepchildren (2268)
1.08 TAS - The Magicks of Megas-Tu (2269)
1.14 TAS - The Slaver Weapon (2269)
1.10 TAS - Mudd's Passion (2269)
1.06 TAS - The Survivor (2269)
1.01 TAS - Beyond the Farthest Star (2269)
1.12 TAS - The Time Trap (2269)
1.03 TAS - One of Our Planets Is Missing (2269)
1.02 TAS - Yesteryear (2269)
1.05 TAS - More Tribbles, More Troubles (2269)
1.04 TAS - The Lorelei Signal (2269)
1.13 TAS - The Ambergris Element (2269)
1.15 TAS - The Eye of the Beholder (2269)
1.07 TAS - The Infinite Vulcan (2269)
1.11 TAS - The Terratin Incident (2269)
1.09 TAS - Once Upon a Planet (2269)
1.16 TAS - The Jihad (2269)
3.18 - The Lights of Zetar (2269)
3.21 - The Cloud Minders (2269)
3.20 - The Way to Eden (2269)
3.19 - Requiem for Methuselah (2269)
3.22 - The Savage Curtain (2269)
3.24 - Turnabout Intruder (2269)
3.23 - All Our Yesterdays (2269)
2.03 TAS - The Practical Joker (2270)
2.04 TAS - Albatross (2270)
2.05 TAS - How Sharper Than a Serpent's Tooth (2270)
2.01 TAS - The Pirates of Orion (2270)
2.06 TAS - The Counter-Clock Incident (2270)
2.02 TAS - Bem (2270)
Плюс где-то между "The Conscience of the King" и "The Gamesters of Triskelion" расположены "The City on the Edge of Forever" и "Mirror, Mirror", а между "The Doomsday Machine" и "The Magicks of Megas-Tu" - "A Piece of the Action", "Patterns of Force", "The Omega Glory", "Assignment: Earth", "Day of the Dove" и "That Which Survives".
1.03 - Where No Man Has Gone Before (2265)
1.06 - Mudd's Women (2266)
1.10 - The Corbomite Maneuver (2266)
1.01 - The Man Trap (2266)
1.02 - Charlie X (2266)
1.05 - The Enemy Within (2266)
1.04 - The Naked Time (2266)
1.14 - Balance of Terror (2266)
1.07 - What Are Little Girls Made Of (2266)
1.08 - Miri (2266)
1.09 - Dagger of the Mind (2266)
1.13 - The Conscience of the King (2266)
1.17 - The Squire of Gothos (2267)
1.16 - The Galileo Seven (2267)
1.20 - Court Martial (2267)
1.11 - The Menagerie, Part I (2267)
1.12 - The Menagerie, Part II (2267)
2.07 - Catspaw (2267)
1.15 - Shore Leave (2267)
1.18 - Arena (2267)
1.27 - The Alternative Factor (2267)
1.19 - Tomorrow is Yesterday (2267)
1.22 - Space Seed (2267)
1.21 - The Return of the Archons (2267)
1.23 - A Taste of Armageddon (2267)
1.25 - The Devil in the Dark (2267)
1.26 - Errand of Mercy (2267)
2.09 - Metamorphosis (2267)
1.29 - Operation - Annihilate! (2267)
2.01 - Amok Time (2267)
1.24 - This Side of Paradise (2267)
2.02 - Who Mourns for Adonais? (2267)
2.12 - The Deadly Years (2267)
2.11 - Friday's Child (2267)
2.03 - The Changeling (2267)
2.14 - Wolf in the Fold (2267)
2.05 - The Apple (2267)
2.06 - The Doomsday Machine (2267)
2.16 - The Gamesters of Triskelion (2268)
2.13 - Obsession (2268)
2.10 - Journey to Babel (2268)
2.25 - Bread and Circuses (2268)
2.19 - A Private Little War (2268)
2.18 - The Immunity Syndrome (2268)
3.13 - Elaan of Troyius (2268)
3.06 - Spectre of the Gun (2268)
2.08 - I, Mudd (2268)
2.15 - The Trouble with Tribbles (2268)
2.22 - By Any Other Name (2268)
2.24 - The Ultimate Computer (2268)
2.20 - Return to Tomorrow (2268)
3.03 - The Paradise Syndrome (2268)
3.02 - The Enterprise Incident (2268)
3.04 - And the Children Shall Lead (2268)
3.12 - The Empath (2268)
3.16 - The Mark of Gideon (2268)
3.01 - Spock's Brain (2268)
3.08 - For the World is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky (2268)
3.05 - Is There in Truth No Beauty? (2268)
3.09 - The Tholian Web (2268)
3.11 - Wink of an Eye (2268)
3.14 - Whom Gods Destroy (2268)
3.15 - Let That Be Your Last Battlefield (2268)
3.10 - Plato's Stepchildren (2268)
3.18 - The Lights of Zetar (2269)
3.21 - The Cloud Minders (2269)
3.20 - The Way to Eden (2269)
3.19 - Requiem for Methuselah (2269)
3.22 - The Savage Curtain (2269)
3.24 - Turnabout Intruder (2269)
3.23 - All Our Yesterdays (2269)
и TAS:
1.08 TAS - The Magicks of Megas-Tu (2269)
1.14 TAS - The Slaver Weapon (2269)
1.10 TAS - Mudd's Passion (2269)
1.06 TAS - The Survivor (2269)
1.01 TAS - Beyond the Farthest Star (2269)
1.12 TAS - The Time Trap (2269)
1.03 TAS - One of Our Planets Is Missing (2269)
1.02 TAS - Yesteryear (2269)
1.05 TAS - More Tribbles, More Troubles (2269)
1.04 TAS - The Lorelei Signal (2269)
1.13 TAS - The Ambergris Element (2269)
1.15 TAS - The Eye of the Beholder (2269)
1.07 TAS - The Infinite Vulcan (2269)
1.11 TAS - The Terratin Incident (2269)
1.09 TAS - Once Upon a Planet (2269)
1.16 TAS - The Jihad (2269)
1.08 TAS - The Magicks of Megas-Tu (2269)
1.14 TAS - The Slaver Weapon (2269)
1.10 TAS - Mudd's Passion (2269)
1.06 TAS - The Survivor (2269)
1.01 TAS - Beyond the Farthest Star (2269)
1.12 TAS - The Time Trap (2269)
1.03 TAS - One of Our Planets Is Missing (2269)
1.02 TAS - Yesteryear (2269)
1.05 TAS - More Tribbles, More Troubles (2269)
1.04 TAS - The Lorelei Signal (2269)
1.13 TAS - The Ambergris Element (2269)
1.15 TAS - The Eye of the Beholder (2269)
1.07 TAS - The Infinite Vulcan (2269)
1.11 TAS - The Terratin Incident (2269)
1.09 TAS - Once Upon a Planet (2269)
1.16 TAS - The Jihad (2269)
2.03 TAS - The Practical Joker (2270)
2.04 TAS - Albatross (2270)
2.05 TAS - How Sharper Than a Serpent's Tooth (2270)
2.01 TAS - The Pirates of Orion (2270)
2.06 TAS - The Counter-Clock Incident (2270)
2.02 TAS - Bem (2270)
1.03 - Where No Man Has Gone Before (2265)
1.10 - The Corbomite Maneuver (2266)
1.06 - Mudd's Women (2266)
1.05 - The Enemy Within (2266)
1.01 - The Man Trap (2266)
1.04 - The Naked Time (2266)
1.02 - Charlie X (2266)
1.14 - Balance of Terror (2266)
1.07 - What Are Little Girls Made Of? (2266)
1.09 - Dagger of the Mind (2266)
1.08 - Miri (2266)
1.13 - The Conscience of the King (2266)
1.16 - The Galileo Seven (2267)
1.20 - Court Martial (2267)
1.11 - The Menagerie, Part I (2267)
1.12 - The Menagerie, Part II (2267)
1.15 - Shore Leave (2267)
1.17 - The Squire of Gothos (2267)
1.18 - Arena (2267)
1.27 - The Alternative Factor (2267)
1.19 - Tomorrow is Yesterday (2267)
1.21 - The Return of the Archons (2267)
1.23 - A Taste of Armageddon (2267)
1.22 - Space Seed (2267)
1.24 - This Side of Paradise (2267)
1.25 - The Devil in the Dark (2267)
1.26 - Errand of Mercy (2267)
1.28 - The City on the Edge of Forever (2267)
1.29 - Operation - Annihilate! (2267)
2.07 - Catspaw (2267)
2.09 - Metamorphosis (2267)
2.11 - Friday's Child (2267)
2.02 - Who Mourns for Adonais? (2267)
2.01 - Amok Time (2267)
2.06 - The Doomsday Machine (2267)
2.14 - Wolf in the Fold (2267)
2.03 - The Changeling (2267)
2.05 - The Apple (2267)
2.04 - Mirror, Mirror (2267)
2.12 - The Deadly Years (2267)
2.08 - I, Mudd (2268)
2.15 - The Trouble with Tribbles (2268)
2.25 - Bread and Circuses (2268)
2.10 - Journey to Babel (2268)
2.19 - A Private Little War (2268)
2.16 - The Gamesters of Triskelion (2268)
2.13 - Obsession (2268)
2.18 - The Immunity Syndrome (2268)
2.17 - A Piece of the Action (2268)
2.22 - By Any Other Name (2268)
2.20 - Return to Tomorrow (2268)
2.21 - Patterns of Force (2268)
2.24 - The Ultimate Computer (2268)
2.23 - The Omega Glory (2268)
2.26 - Assignment: Earth (2268)
3.06 - Spectre of the Gun (2268)
3.13 - Elaan of Troyius (2268)
3.03 - The Paradise Syndrome (2268)
3.02 - The Enterprise Incident (2268)
3.04 - And the Children Shall Lead (2268)
3.01 - Spock's Brain (2268)
3.05 - Is There in Truth No Beauty? (2268)
3.12 - The Empath (2268)
3.09 - The Tholian Web (2268)
3.08 - For the World is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky (2268)
3.07 - Day of the Dove (2268)
3.10 - Plato's Stepchildren (2268)
3.11 - Wink of an Eye (2268)
3.17 - That Which Survives (2268)
3.15 - Let That Be Your Last Battlefield (2268)
3.14 - Whom Gods Destroy (2268)
3.16 - The Mark of Gideon (2268)
3.18 - The Lights of Zetar (2269)
3.21 - The Cloud Minders (2269)
3.20 - The Way to Eden (2269)
3.19 - Requiem for Methuselah (2269)
3.22 - The Savage Curtain (2269)
3.23 - All Our Yesterdays (2269)
3.24 - Turnabout Intruder (2269)
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Да я ничего такого не сделала - просто понатырила разные данные из мемори альфы