Как много нам открытий чудных мемори альфа говорит!
While it was made clear that in the alternate reality McCoy attended and graduated Starfleet Academy, this obviously was not true in the prime universe--although he did, of course, received a Starfleet Officer's commission. DS9:"Trials and Tribble-ations" established McCoy's alma mater as the University of Mississippi--and, in TOS:"The Ultimate Computer", McCoy did not understand the reference to "dunsel" in Commodore Robert Wesley referring to Kirk as "Captain Dunsel". Spock had to explain to McCoy that the term was used by midshipmen at Starfleet Academy--a reference McCoy would have understood had he attended the Academy.
Нет, это, конечно, не единственный случай, когда офицер Звёздного Флота не учился в Академии (самый яркий пример - Майлз О'Браен, но не только; даже Кира Нерис формально попадает в эту категорию, я уже молчу про экипаж "Вояджера"), но всё равно неожиданно :tear:


@темы: Star Trek