Листаю я, значит, "Словарь ангелов" - и вот что на меня там выпало без объявления войны:
Anak - sing. for Anakim.
Anakim (-enim? "giants") - the offspring of fallen angels and mortal women, an issue touched on in Genesis 6. The anakim were so tall that, according to The Zohar, "the Hebrews were like grasshoppers in comparison". In the latter work, the angels Uzza and Azael are singled out as having begotten children "whom they called anakim". The original name of the anakim was nefilim. [Rf. Jung, Fallen Angels in Jewish, Christian and Mohammedan Literature; Deuteronomy 1:28; Joshua 14:12.] In Ginzberg, The Legends of the Jews I, 151, it is related that the anakim "touched the sun with their necks". This is consonant with the view, often expressed in rabbinic and Islamic writings, that angels reached from Heaven to earth - just as Adam did when he was first formed, and as Israfel did, or does. [Rf. 3 Enoch.]
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Anak - sing. for Anakim.
Anakim (-enim? "giants") - the offspring of fallen angels and mortal women, an issue touched on in Genesis 6. The anakim were so tall that, according to The Zohar, "the Hebrews were like grasshoppers in comparison". In the latter work, the angels Uzza and Azael are singled out as having begotten children "whom they called anakim". The original name of the anakim was nefilim. [Rf. Jung, Fallen Angels in Jewish, Christian and Mohammedan Literature; Deuteronomy 1:28; Joshua 14:12.] In Ginzberg, The Legends of the Jews I, 151, it is related that the anakim "touched the sun with their necks". This is consonant with the view, often expressed in rabbinic and Islamic writings, that angels reached from Heaven to earth - just as Adam did when he was first formed, and as Israfel did, or does. [Rf. 3 Enoch.]
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